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Project Citation: 

United States Department of Labor. Office of Unemployment Insurance. ETA 218: Benefit Rights and Experience. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2017-05-19.

Project Description

Project Title:  View help for Project Title ETA 218: Benefit Rights and Experience
Summary:  View help for Summary Data reported on the ETA 218 provides a means of evaluating state benefit formulas, as administered under the state unemployment insurance program. The number of monetary determinations on new claims is used as a base to which other items reported in section A of the report may be related. The number of new claims determined to have insufficient wage credits and the number with sufficient wage credits provide information on the effect of the monetary qualifying requirements in the state law. The number of new claims determined to have established benefit years is used on an annual basis to estimate the number of eligible claimants in each state.

The number of eligible claimants with potential maximum duration, the average potential duration for all eligible claimants, and their distribution by number of full weeks of potential duration show the extent of protection, in terms of weeks of benefits, available to potential beneficiaries. These figures permit computation of the maximum potential current liability of the fund, and reflect on a reasonable, current basis the effect of changes and potential changes in benefit provisions of state laws. The number of claimants who exhaust benefits with maximum duration, the average actual duration of all claimants who exhaust benefits, and their distribution by number of full weeks of benefits drawn show the actual amount of protection provided by the program for claimants still unemployed on receipt of their final payment in a benefit year.
Original Distribution URL:  View help for Original Distribution URL

Scope of Project

Subject Terms:  View help for Subject Terms benefits; first pay; final pay; exhaustion; weeks claimed; weeks paid; initial claims
Collection Notes:  View help for Collection Notes These data have been collected quarterly.

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